Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Town News

Happy 2009!

2009 Dog licenses are available at the town clerk or by mail.

All Tyngsborough residents should have received the 2009 census form. Please check the accuracy of the information on the form and return to the Town Clerk's office.

Special Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday February 10 at 7pm in the Elementary School Cafetorium. Plans are in the works to revitalize the town center. The twon will also be celebrating it's 200th anniversary in June 2009 (volunteers still needed).

Women's soccer - games are on Monday nights and the league is seeking intermediate to advanced players to participate. contact Amy Schade at 978.649.8626

Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre on January 30th and 31st at 6.30pm located at the Innovation Academy Charter School (72 Tyng Rd.). for more information.

LOTS of winter programs and classes for families and kids through the Tyngsborough Recreation and Parks:

Tyngsborough Garden Club invites new members to join. The club meets the 2nd Thursday of the month, 7pm at the Tyngsboro Rec. Center on Westford Rd. Visit the website

Monday, January 12, 2009


Some of you may have been hearing coyotes at night, in addition a few of the neighbors have seen a coyote or two in the stream/creek area along the access road and behind building 5.

Coyotes will and have been known to attack smaller or similar sized dogs and they have been known to attack even large, powerful breeds in exceptional cases. In rare cases they will also attempt to approach a human (or a child). In the winter coyotes food sources are scare and they can venture into more urban and populated areas.

A few steps to prevent the coyotes from venturing on the property are:
- make sure trash doors are closed to the dumpsters
- if dumpster is full do not leave trash bag outside the dumpster (call Centurion to let them know it is full)
- pick up after your animal (animal control has said that dog feces will actually attract a coyote)

This is not meant to alarm any of the residents.
If you see a coyote do NOT approach it. You can call in a report to the Tyngsboro Animal Control at 978-970-3321.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Information from the Board - January

Centurion Management has just informed the board that the December water tests have passed.

We will need to continue frequent water testing over this next year and will keep residents apprised of the test results.